Friday, August 3, 2007

Summary #23

Well I made it and hopefully I am better for it. It was definitely a learning experience. Somethings I was familiar with, others I was not. I had a lot of fun learning about image generators and avatars. I could have stayed on those projects for a long time. This was a wonderful way to teach the newest technology. Having it be a self-paced program was great. This relieved some pressure from the start. I do not know how much of this I will use, but at least I have had a good introduction to Library 2.0. Thanks.

Audiobooks #22

We had to post an entry to the discussion board several weeks ago for the LATI training concerning audiobooks and ebooks. I was not really up on ebooks until Lisa showed Nora and I one that she had downloaded to her laptop. I explored Project Gutenberg and viewed the top 100 ebooks that were downloaded yesterday. None of the titles appealed to me however, everyone has different tastes. I would rather hold and read the book sitting in a comfortable chair versus reading a computer screen. But, I am sure there is a market for it.

Podcasts #21

I searched through Yahoo Podcasts and listened to OPLIN - The Ohio Public Library Information Network speaking on trends impacting the public libraries. I have also listened to quite a few of the SirsiDynix Institute Podcasts for staff development. I hear quite a bit about podcasts on television especially Larry King always letting the audience know about the lastest podcast to download and listen to.

YouTube #20

I got to see Elton John two years ago when he was touring in Washington, D.C. I started to listen to his music when I was in college and have been a big fan since that time. He played this song at the concert. It's still one of my favorites.

I like YouTube. It's great to see what kind of videos are being posted. This is a site I will probably check out again. This might be a good tool for the library. It would be a good spot to talk about libraries and the services they offer, etc.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Web 2.0 Awards #19

I took a tour of Lulu. It was the 1st place winner in the books category. One can publish books, calendars, yearbooks, artwork and more at I also explored Biblio where one can search for used and out-of-print books. Both were very interesting and completely new to me. I then went to the games and tried several including Guess- the-google. I didn't do very well. So it was time to move on.

Zoho Writer #18

Zoho writer is really cool. I typed my favorite movies on the online word processor and then posted to my blog. The steps were easy to follow. I think I will definitely being using this at work after exploring it a bit more. I liked the Zoho planner. It's a great organizing tool with a "to do" list and appointment reminder.

My Favorite Movies

The following are some of my favorite movies:

Gone With the Wind

Doctor Zhivago

The Sound of Music

To Kill a Mockingbird

Maryland Libraries Sandbox #17

I love wikis! I added some of my favorite foods because I was hungry last night when I made my entry. It was so easy to add bits of information to existing pages. I also added my blog to the
Favorite Blogs page.

Wikis #16

Wikis are a great form of communication between staff members, staff and public, etc. We could use wikis for book clubs, book reviews. The nice thing about it is everyone can make comments. That being said, the down side is that we do not always know what type of comment is going to be made. It is definitely subjective in nature. But, I see it as a positive tool for libraries to utilize.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Library 2.0 #15

I enjoyed viewing the Youtube video "The Machine is Us/ing Us". How fascinating to watch all of the changes we have made with the web. Who would have thought that there is a blog born every 1/2 second. We need to meet the demands of our customers and this can only happen by staying up with the latest technological changes. This exercise on "23 Things" is one way to make that transpire. If not, we may see a decline in our circulation just as Rick Anderson experienced.

Technorati #14

I toured Technorati. Wow, there's lots of different blogs out there. It was interesting to note that the top searches were of Paris Hilton, YouTube, iphone and MySpace to name a few. If you like searching other peoples' blogs this is the place to do it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 and Tagging #13 is a good tool for people who use mulitple computers say at work and home. It is fascinating to think how one can categorize their bookmarks and store and share with others. This is something that I may continue to explore and use after I complete all of my work and have some free time. I also believe that tagging could be a great way to organize things.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rollyo #12

I think creating a searchroll on Rollyo is probably very useful for people who do lots of searching on various websites, however, I do not think it would be something I would use that much. It's great that technology has advanced to this level to give users something new to try.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Few Weeks and Counting!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

LibraryThing #11

LibraryThing is a neat way to catalog books you have read, like or want to read. You can alphabetize, rate and review them. I could have stayed on this assignment for a long time.

Image Generators

I really enjoyed looking at all of the images that one can create by a click of a button. This was a lot of fun.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Merlin #9

Merlin is a great site for keeping up with technology. It is also an excellent way to keep informed with the latest online classes and web seminars. I added Merlin to my bloglines.

Monday, July 2, 2007

ALA Convention

I recently attended the ALA Convention ( in Washington, D.C. It was a wonderful experience. I really enjoyed David Baldacci's presentation. I waited in line and he autographed my copy of his book "Wish You Well".

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ocean City Maryland Boardwalk

My family and I will be traveling to Ocean City in a few weeks for vacation. We always seem to have such a great time. I am really looking forward to the sights and sounds of the beach. I can't wait!

Monday, June 25, 2007

RSS feeds and Bloglines

I set up my bloglines several months ago after attending a training session. RSS feeds are really cool. I have used RSS feeds to learn about the lastest books by my favorite authors as they become available in the library system. I also subscribe to several news feeds. This is a great tool if you have the time to view everyday.

Friday, June 22, 2007


I signed up for a flickr account. I am not sure if I will be using it that much. I send pictures through e-mail to family members but that is about all for now.

Colr Pickr is really cool. It uses a color wheel and pictures from the Flickr group Color Fields. This allows the user to access pictures filled with any color you choose.

I think being able to take pictures on a digital camera and then either print them or send them through e-mail is what really interests me. It saves so much time. It also saves money by only printing your best pictures.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Week 3

This week I get to learn about photos & images by exploring Flickr. As of right now, I do not know much about Flickr. I am hoping that will change.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

23 Things - Week 2

7 1/2 Habits

# 3 - "View problems as challenges" is probably the hardest for me. I have to develop a new mindset when dealing with problems and see them as a detour rather than a dead end.

# 7 1/2 - "Play" will be the easiest for me. I enjoy exploring and learning new ways of doing things.